Superfast Freight And Logistics Pvt Ltd

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An Asian based freight forwarder who has been providing air freight services for over 25 years.SUPERFAST understands the need for speed when a customer requires air freight as their preferred mode of transport, but we also know that safety, reliability, flexibility and on time delivery are fundamental requirements to. Central to SUPERFAST air cargo operations is our capability to move single or complex shipments by air at any time, to and from most parts of the world. A flexible approach enables SUPERFAST to offer a variety of Import and Export Air Freight Shipping and Forwarding services, including scheduled, deferred, and full or part charter. Fully supported by a team, highly experienced in Customs regulations and a global network familiar in all aspects of organising air transportation, SUPERFAST are pleased to be your preferred forwarder for airfreight. Connecting Cargo Planes Now you can send your parcels from any city .We offer you cheapest rates and easiest way to send your parcels… Direct Service Direct Air Transport provides freight forwarding and logistics services to and from every point of the globe. Tracking 24 Hrs Shipping & Delivery. ... You can visit online Order Status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to view the most up-to-date status of your order. Competitive prices The demand for air freight is limited by cost, typically priced 4–5 times that of road transport and ... The use of air freight can create competitive advantages.


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