Swara Yoga Academy

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The Swara Yoga Academy offers comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Programs, Online Study Modules & Yoga Workshops and Retreats in Thailand, Bali, Europe and South America. It is our mission to dramatically improve the depth and quality of Yoga being shared in the world by truly meeting the learning needs of aspiring Yoga Teachers. We offer a detailed, holistic curriculum, long term study options and ongoing mentorship to our worldwide community of Swara Yoga Teachers. As a collective, we share practices which are deeply rooted in traditional Hatha Yoga, and also embrace Tantra, Taoism, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, modern science and nature-based shamanic lineages. We specialise in Pranayama and subtle energetic practices, and we believe that the practices of Yoga serve as tools which teach us how to flow within the waves of life with grace and strength.

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The Swara Yoga Academy offers comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Programs, Online Study Modules & Yoga Workshops and Retreats in Thailand, Bali, Europe and South America. It is our mission to dramatically improve the depth and quality of Yoga being shared in the world by truly meeting the learning needs of aspiring Yoga Teachers. We offer a detailed, holistic curriculum, long term study options and ongoing mentorship to our worldwide community of Swara Yoga Teachers. As a collective, we share practices which are deeply rooted in traditional Hatha Yoga, and also embrace Tantra, Taoism, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, modern science and nature-based shamanic lineages. We specialise in Pranayama and subtle energetic practices, and we believe that the practices of Yoga serve as tools which teach us how to flow within the waves of life with grace and strength.


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