Info-Tech Malaysia

WELCOME TO : Info-Tech Malaysia

Founded in 1996, Info-Tech is a next-generation global technology company that helps businesses of all sizes and in all industries to transform their HR operations into the digital age that will propel their productivity growth to a new level. Started off with Windows-based HR System and along the way, the company grew in its reputation and customer base. As economy changes and trend moves forward, we saw an opportunity to evolve from Window-based software to a Cloud Human Resource Management Software (HRMS) and the Cloud-Based HRMS softwarewas successfully launched in Singapore in 2014. The company continued in its expansion and set foot into Malaysia, India, Hong Kong and Australia. As of 2021, Info-Tech is serving more than 20,000 customers, manages more than 700,000 employees payroll, and has a team of more than 400 employees.

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It doesn’t matter how many staff you manage or what industry you’re in, our software will help your business run smoother — making life easier for your entire workforce. Info-Tech Cloud HR & Payroll Software consist of the following software modules: - B2B MarketPlace

Info-Tech is a global award-winning company specialised in providing Cloud-Based Human Resource & Payroll Software to businesses of all sizes and industries. Approved by over 20,000 companies globally, our all-in-one software is truly the best solution for your business needs at an affordable price.


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