GELINDE Optical Co., Ltd. is a specialized company focused on the precision grinding of spherical balls and optical lenses, offering both high-quality custom grinding and standard product grinding services. Leveraging years of experience and technical know-how, the company delivers high-precision, consistent, and optically flawless products and technical solutions across various industries, including optics, optical communication, mechanical power transmission, pumps and valves, and instrumentation. GELINDE serves a diverse clientele, including commercial businesses, professional laboratories, and prestigious universities...

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We are dedicated to upholding high standards of accuracy and quality control. Equipped with proprietary equipment and processing techniques, we excel in high-volume production with low variance. Our production process includes rigorous quality checks and testing to ensure all spheres meet customer specifications. We are capable of machining high-precision spheres conforming to ISO3290 standards, with the highest precision levels reaching G3 depending on material characteristics


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