E-Lins Technology Co. Ltd.

WELCOME TO : E-Lins Technology Co. Ltd.

The E-Lins Industrial 4G routers are compact, ruggedized designed for mission-critical connectivity in the most challenging environments. It is qualified for M2M (Machine to Machine), IoT (Internet of Things) and In-Vehicle applications. With an extensive list of safety and hardening certifications, which is engineered to protect against extreme temperatures, humidity, shocks, vibrations, dust, reverse polarity, and transient voltage, which is widely used in more than twenty industrial fields, such as CCTV security surveillance, vehicle, Telemetry, vending machines, power control, AMR, traffic, oil field, weather forecast, environmental protection, street lamp control, post, bank and many other areas.

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If the primary power fails, then our 5G LTE modem will automatically use the second power supply without link downtime. Buy it today!


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