Utkarsh India Limited

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Utkarsh India is a leading manufacturer of high-quality infrastructure products, specializing in solutions like Crash Barriers, PVC & HDPE Pipes, Water Tanks, High Mast Lighting Poles, Railway Electrification Structures, Street Light Poles, Solar lighting structure and more.

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Utkarsh India is a leading manufacturer of high-quality infrastructure products, specializing in solutions like Crash Barriers, PVC & HDPE Pipes, Water Tanks, High Mast Lighting Poles, Railway Electrification Structures, Street Light Poles, Solar lighting structure and more. With a focus on safety, durability, and innovation, we deliver reliable solutions for transportation, urban development, and utilities across India. Contact us: Phone number: 90736 74347/ 033 2264 6666/ 033 2265 8888 Sales Support: 033 4190 0001


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