Larn MBBS is dedicated to guiding aspiring medical students toward successful admissions in top international medical universities. Our comprehensive services cover everything from career counseling and university selection to application assistance and visa processing. With a strong focus on providing personalized support and ensuring a smooth transition to studying abroad, Larn MBBS has established itself as a trusted partner for students and their families. Our Courses: 1. Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (MBBS) 2. Doctor of Medicine (MD) 3. Master of Surgery (MS) 4. Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) 5. Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) 6. Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) 7. Diploma of Pharmacy (D. Pharm) 8. Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) 9. Diploma of Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) 10. General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) 11. Bachelor of Science Nursing 12. Master of Science Nursing Our Services: 1. Career Counseling 2. University Selection 3. Application Assistance 4. Passport Visa Processing 5. NEET Assistance Why Choose Larn MBBS? • Expert Guidance • Proven Track Record • Quick Admission Support • NEET Support Contact Us: • Address: 437/A Diamond Harbour Road, Behala, Kolkata - 700034, West Bengal, India • Phone: +91 98303 85521 or +91 87777 56168 • Email: For more information, visit our website or contact us today to start your journey toward a successful medical career with Larn MBBS.

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Larn MBBS is dedicated to guiding aspiring medical students toward successful admissions in top international medical universities. Our comprehensive services cover everything from career counseling and university selection to application assistance and visa processing.


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