
WELCOME TO : Vidyasathi

VIDYASATHI is the Education Division of BRAINTRUST EDUTECH PVT. LTD. Registered under ROC Companies Act of Govt. of India, ISO 9001:2015 Certified for Delivering World Class Training and a listed education Organisation by MSME (Govt. of India) and recognized organization by startup India (Govt. of India). At Vidyasathi, we think that education has the ability to change people. We were founded with the goal of empowering both instructors and students, and we re dedicated to offering a complete platform that promotes integrated learning. Our Services: 1. Montessori Teacher Training 2. Pre-primary and Primary Teacher Training 3. B.Ed Course in Kolkata 4. Nursery Teacher Training 5. Distance Education 6. Skill Training Why choose us? 1. Comprehensive Learning Resources 2. Interactive Learning Experience 3. Expert Guidance 4. Flexibility 5. Proven Track Record 6. Continuous Improvement With Vidyasathi, start your educational journey and discover a world of possibilities. We are here to support you at any stage of your journey, whether you are a student, teacher, or lifelong learner. Become a part of our community and use Vidyasathi to reach your full potential! Visit us today at or call us at 9674091114 for more info.

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VIDYASATHI is the Education Division of BRAINTRUST EDUTECH PVT. LTD. Registered under ROC Companies Act of Govt. of India, ISO 9001:2015 Certified for Delivering World Class Training and a listed education Organisation by MSME (Govt. of India) and recognized organization by startup India (Govt. of India).


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