MK 24/7 CARE


The experienced nurse lead MK 24/7 care professional team made its inception with the motto of ‘Our Care In Your Home’. Our home care services can assist people with ageing well experience and individual with physical and mental disability by providing practical support at your home with human touch. We aim to deliver quality home care to the Buckinghamshire public especially people in Milton Keynes. We work with you to create personalized plan of care that fits your needs to support you and your family. Our home care team comprises of highly skilled professionals includes registered nurses, trained caregivers, and support staff who provides compassionate and quality care. They are dedicated to deliver exceptional domiciliary care to people in the comfort of their own home. Our bespoke home care services are designed to enhance the quality of life of individual by providing them with the assistance they need to remain independent and enjoy their golden years. We understand that every person has unique needs and preferences, which is why we offer person centered care plan that are customized to meet everyone’s specific requirements. MK 24/7 care work together by transparent communication with the team involved to provide comprehensive and dignified care to our clients. We are committed to delivering high-quality care that is responsive to the changing needs of our service users collaborating with local authority and NHS trust. Our staffs are carefully selected, screened, and trained to provide compassionate care to our clients. We take pride in our team of skilled professionals who are committed to ensuring the safety, comfort, and well-being of our service user. All our caregivers undergo DBS checks, as well as regular training to ensure they have up-to-date knowledge on the policies and procedures required by Care Quality Commission (CQC).

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