Dr. Daksh Ortho Care Clinic - Best Orthopedic & Knee Replacement Surgeon in Kanpur

WELCOME TO : Dr. Daksh Ortho Care Clinic - Best Orthopedic & Knee Replacement Surgeon in Kanpur

Dr. Daksh Gadi is a renowned Joint Replacement and Arthroscopy surgeon associated with Regency Hospital, Kanpur. With extensive expertise in treating complex orthopedic conditions, Dr. Daksh specializes in knee replacement, hip replacement, and arthroscopic surgeries, ensuring patients receive advanced and personalized care. Known as one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Kanpur, he is committed to providing effective solutions for joint pain, sports injuries, and mobility restoration. Whether you re seeking the best knee replacement surgeon in Kanpur or expert orthopedic consultation, Dr. Daksh Ortho Care Clinic is your trusted partner in orthopedic care.

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