Lion Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd

WELCOME TO : Lion Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd

Lion Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd is a leading manufacturer of Rubber Fenders and numerous other Rubber Products from Mumbai. Founded in year 1995 and provides services in Ship and Port building, Maritime infrastructure, Hydro power and construction. The manufacturing of Rubber Fenders is done with the latest elastomeric techniques by Moulding and Extrusion methods in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, PIANC standards. Lion Rubber has continually strived to broaden its manufacturing base and with the acquisition of manufacturing facilities for the development of “DAM GATE RUBBER SEALS”. The quality of Lion Rubber Seals claims the top most position in Indian and International Boundaries. Lion Rubber Industries developed an extensive range of “DOCK BUMPERS” which are used at loading docks of Warehouses, Logistic Parks, CFS s, etc. Lion Rubber is equipped with various molds and hydraulic presses, hence it is always advantageous to have a ready mould available for quick production and time saver for any last minute projects. We also facilitate door to door delivery logistics from one of its own associate company, on DAP / DDU basis offering the best prices in the domain.

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