Dr.Ranganathreddy Orthopedic Surgeon in Hyderabad

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Dr. M. Ranganath Reddy D. Ortho, DNB (Ortho), FIJR (UK) Chief Consultant - Orthopedics & Joint Replacement Surgeon With over 20 years of experience and more than 10,000 successful surgeries, Dr. M. Ranganath Reddy is a trusted orthopedic surgeon in Hyderabad. He specializes in providing comprehensive, patient-centered treatments that restore mobility and improve the quality of life. Known for his expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Reddy is committed to offering the best care for all your orthopedic needs. Services Offered: Knee Replacement Hip Replacement ACL Reconstruction Trauma Surgeries PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Treatment For more information on our services, please visit: https://www.drranganathreddy.com/ Why Choose Dr. Ranganath Reddy? 20+ Years of Expertise: A seasoned orthopedic surgeon with a proven track record of over 10,000 successful surgeries. Patient-Centered Care: Focused on delivering personalized treatments tailored to each patient s needs. Advanced Techniques & Technology: Uses the latest medical advancements for faster recovery and better outcomes. Trusted by Thousands: Known for being compassionate and highly trusted by patients. Comprehensive Orthopedic Solutions: From joint replacements to trauma surgeries and PRP treatments, Dr. Reddy offers a wide range of specialized services. Dr. Reddy ensures that every patient receives the highest standard of care, helping you live a pain-free and active life. For appointments, please contact: Contact Number: +91 95531 05569 Email: drmranganathreddy@gmail.com

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