Promas Process Machinery And Systems

WELCOME TO : Promas Process Machinery And Systems

Promas is a pro-engineering-solutions company. pro in innovation, pro in designs & in cost-effective industrial solutions. backed by a fully equipped plant & trained personnel.

bus rental services - B2B MarketPlace

Manufacturer of colloid mill that can be used as in line unit (horizontal execution) forthe continuous operation in a process line, or with a funnel & circulation line (vertical execution). - B2B MarketPlace

Promas is a pro-engineering-solutions company. Pro in innovation, pro in designs & in cost-effective industrial solutions such as jet mill, vibra sifter, multi mill, colloid mill, etc. - B2B MarketPlace

Promas is a pro-engineering-solutions company. Pro in innovation, pro in designs & in cost-effective industrial solutions such as jet mill, vibra sifter, multi mill, colloid mill, etc. - B2B MarketPlace

Manufacturer of multi mill, which develops not only hydraulic high pressure in the grinding tool section, but turbulence & cavitations which, then combined provide both a gentle grinding & the required impact, squeezing, cutting etc. - B2B MarketPlace

Manufacturer of jet mill versions designed approved by Indian FDA and US-FDA, inline with GMP practices and in accordance with all pharmaceutical specification worldwide.


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