Wuxi High-New Technology Industrial Development Co., Ltd

WELCOME TO : Wuxi High-New Technology Industrial Development Co., Ltd

We are going to attend the 107th Canton Fair during Apr 15 ~ Apr 19, 2010 at booth: 5.2K28. We welcome customers from all over the world to visit us. Wuxi High-New Technology Industrial Development Co., Ltd is a state-owned company which belongs to Wuxi New District Government. We have established massive production base of Metal-Glass Vacuum Tube, Direct-Flow Tube, All-Glass Heat Pipe Tube and Split Solar Water Heating System by independent innovation after importing top technology from Germany. As for the core product-- Glass-metal Sealed Evacuated Heat Pipe Tube, there are only four manufactures all over the world at present. Based on mass advantage and big R & D team, we have been developing application technology and products on Solar & Construction Integration. The products are sold to more than 50 countries and areas all over the world.

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