Sunny Steel Enterprise Limited.

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Steel pipe, seamless tube, alloy pipe, Pipe fittings

bus rental services - B2B MarketPlace

ASTM A335 P92 is the part of ASTM A335, The pipe shall be suitable for bending, flanging, and similar forming operations, and for fusion welding. The steel material shall conform to chemical composition, tensile property, and hardness requirements. - B2B MarketPlace

ASTM A213 T23 Standard covers seamless ferritic and austenitic steel boiler, superheater, and heat-exchanger tubes. ASTM A213 T23 Seamless alloy tube, alloy steel, ASTM A213, ASTM A213 T23,Seamless alloy tube, steel tubes, superheater tubes, T23, Tubing Grades containing the letter H in their designation have requirements different from those of similar grades not containing the letter H. - B2B MarketPlace

ASTM A213 T911 Standard covers seamless ferritic and austenitic steel boiler, superheater, and heat-exchanger tubes. ASTM A213 T911 Seamless alloy tube, alloy steel, ASTM A213, ASTM A213 T911, Seamless alloy tube, steel tubes, superheater tubes, T911, Tubing Grades containing the letter H in their designation have requirements different from those of similar grades not containing the letter H. These different requirements provide higher creep-rupture strength than normally achievable in similar grades without these different requirements. ASTM A213 T911 tubes shall be made by the seamless process and shall be either hot finished or cold finished, as specified. Grade TP347HFG shall be cold finished. Heat treatment shall be done separately and in addition to heating for hot forming. The ferritic alloy and ferritic stainless steels shall be reheated. On the other hand, austenitic stainless steel tubes shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition. Alternatively, immediately after hot forming, while the temperature of the tubes is not less than the minimum solution temperature, tubes may be individually quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means. Tension test, hardness test, flattening test, and flaring test shall be done to each tube. Also, each tube shall be subjected to the nondestructive electric test or hydrostatic test. - B2B MarketPlace

ASTM A213 T21 is the part of ASTM A213 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger Tubes. Grades containing the letter H in their designation have requirements different from those of similar grades not containing the letter H. These different requirements provide higher creep-rupture strength than normally achievable in similar grades without these different requirements. ASTM A213 T21tubes shall be made by the seamless process and shall be either hot finished or cold finished, as specified. Grade TP347HFG shall be cold finished. Heat treatment shall be done separately and in addition to heating for hot forming. The ferritic alloy and ferritic stainless steels shall be reheated. On the other hand, austenitic stainless steel tubes shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition. Alternatively, immediately after hot forming, while the temperature of the tubes is not less than the minimum solution temperature, tubes may be individually quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means. Tension test, hardness test, flattening test, and flaring test shall be done to each tube. Also, each tube shall be subjected to the nondestructive electric test or hydrostatic test. - B2B MarketPlace

ASTM A213 T5 is the part of ASTM A213 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger Tubes.


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