Thai Foods Product Internation Co.,Ltd.

WELCOME TO : Thai Foods Product Internation Co.,Ltd.

We are the import export company distributing the chemical for food additives such as antioxidant, sweetener, coloring and flavoring agents, seasoning mix, emulsifiers, thickeners, anti-thickening agent, acidulants and nutrients for food Industries of ice creams, juice, dairy products, etc.

bus rental services - B2B MarketPlace

Non Phosphate is a mixture of food grade sodium/calcium salts and food materials in a ratio to provide excellent performance in reducing drip loss,improve moisture retention,prevent freeze burn and suitable for flavor and texture improvement of seafood products. - B2B MarketPlace

TS-TIDE (I+G) is the natural flavor enhancer for food categories such as snacks, soy sauce, fish sauce, canned sea food and etc. The synergistic effect can be recognized by cost savings because it is 20 times stronger than MSG. Furthermore,TS-TIDE gives the Umami taste,maximizes the continuity and harmony of food flavors, gives cost-savings of the formulations,reduces undesired flavor and helps to reduce the sodium. - B2B MarketPlace

We are manufacturing and exporting non dairy creamer with 33%, 35% and 50 % fat. It is free flowing power and designed for coffee, tea,cookies, bread, cake,doughnut, bakery or mix as milk powder. It is instantly soluble creamer with excellent whitening properties. - B2B MarketPlace

Thai Foods Product International Co.,Ltd, manufacturing and exporting Monosodium L-Glutamate made that balances, blends and rounds the total perception of other tastes. Our Monosodium L-Glutamate giving and improving a pleasant taste. It can be mixed well with meat, fish, poultry, many vegetables, sauces, soups, marinades and increases the overall preference of certain foods. This product made from Thailand with guaranteed quality. - B2B MarketPlace

We are Thai Foods Product International Co., Ltd, in Thailand, manufacturing and exporting brown sugar both with open pan and vacuum pan to worldwide countries. There are no bleaching and no caramel coated.


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