Gubbi Enterprisesi

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CLC Plant, Foam Generator, Foam Concrete Mixer, Cellular Light Weight Block Machines

bus rental services - B2B MarketPlace

Screw Conveyors for specific purposes have been developed. Cement Screw Conveyors and Feeders for concrete batching plants. Later came light-duty Flour Milling Screw Conveyors with synthetic maintenance-free intermediate bearings. Heavy-duty Cement Screw Conveyors, as used in the concrete industry, are particularly robust and equipped with self-adjusting stuffing boxes. Extra-heavy-duty Screw Conveyors, designed for continuous operation in cement, lime and gypsum processing, come with flanged shaft couplings for easy screw replacement. Specification Cement Fly Ash Size 168mm. DIA X 5 Mtrs 168mm. DIA X 5Mtrs Capacity 25 TPH 10.6M3/HR - B2B MarketPlace

Advantages: No Seal, No valve, Self Priming, Can Run Dry without Damage, Time Saving, Fuel Saving, Energy Saving, Minimum Shear, No Noise, No leakage, No Mechanical Seal, No Maintenance Operating Principals: Two or More rotating rollers gradually compress a tube forcing liquid through the tube just ahead of each roller. The tube shape back to its original shape after rollers pass so it can more liquid again . The liquid is transferred intact without damaging fragile components in its liquid stream. so it can handle any high viscous liquid - B2B MarketPlace

CLC Plant: We are manufacturer of CLC Plant like Foam generator, Foam concrete mixer, Air compressor, CLC Mould, Foaming agent, Weighing system. CLC is called as Cellular Light Weight Concrete and it is also called as Foam Concrete. Cellular Light Weight Concrete (CLC) is a version of light weight concrete that is produced like normal concrete under ambient conditions. CLC Blocks are a cement-bonded material made by blending slurry of cement. Stable, pre-formed foam manufactured on site is injected into this slurry to form foam concrete. Fresh foam concrete looks like a milk- shake and the volume of slurry in the foam dictates the cast density of the foam concrete. - B2B MarketPlace

Features: Heavy duty motor - withstands voltage fluctuations from 180v to 240v Available from 3.0 HP to 5.0 HP. Backed by 4 decades of engineering expertise. Compact and easily portable. Specifications: Motor: 3 HP, 5 HP With dual stage Tank capacity: 200 Ltr - B2B MarketPlace

Well furnished office premises admeasuring 2200 sq ft available on lease basis near Thane railway station B Cabin. Central locality with all infrastructure facilities.. covered area- 2200 sqft. Expected rent- 200000 Property all furnished . Floor No. 7 Office in Thane, 702,Ishan Arcade, 7th floor,Bhave compound,opp Gavdevi Mandir,Gokhle Road, Thane. (west)


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