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bus rental services - B2B MarketPlace

Our company specializes in and ships worldwide a very large range of fluoroplastic materials from powders, stock shapes and tubing to high value added parts, components and assemblies. Besides the above, our company markets stock shapes in technical plastics namely nylon6, POM, PP, HDPE and PETG and other industrial consumables. Precision tubing in PTFE, FEP, PFA, ETFE , PI, Nylon , HDPE, silicon rubber, soft PVC for medical ( USP / EP approved) , electronics, instrumentation, fluid handling, general engineering ; plain, convoluted / corrugated , multilumen , striped, colored tubing & tubing fabrications ; Profiles in UHMWPE, rigid PVC, PP , FRP, PC and EPDM rubber. - B2B MarketPlace

Our company specializes in and ships worldwide a very large range of fluoroplastic materials from powders, stock shapes and tubing to high value added parts, components and assemblies. Besides the above, our company markets stock shapes in technical plastics namely nylon6, POM, PP, HDPE and PETG and other industrial consumables. UL approved PTFE, FEP, PFA films: ETFE, PC, ABS films; high performance PTFE plain / glass cloth adhesive tapes upto 250 deg C, PTFE glass cloth & endless belts, PTFE architectural fabric. - B2B MarketPlace

Our company specializes in and ships worldwide a very large range of fluoroplastic materials from powders, stock shapes and tubing to high value added parts, components and assemblies. Besides the above, our company markets stock shapes in technical plastics namely nylon6, POM, PP, HDPE and PETG and other industrial consumables. Virgin & compounded PTFE resins for compression ram & paste extrusion, impregnation; PTFE micro powders; resins in PVDF, FEP, PFA, ETFE, TFM for lining, injection and extrusion ; PEEK powder and granular materials, pure and compounded. - B2B MarketPlace

Our company specializes in and ships worldwide a very large range of fluoroplastic materials from powders, stock shapes and tubing to high value added parts, components and assemblies. Besides the above, our company markets stock shapes in technical plastics namely nylon6, POM, PP, HDPE and PETG and other industrial consumables. Expanded PTFE, non-asbestos jointing, flexible graphite sheets; Special application high temperature gasket sheets.


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